Morrish Families: Please read the first newsletter of the 2023-24 school year.
over 1 year ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
Morrish Families: Please read the first newsletter of the 2023-24 school year.
over 1 year ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
Orientation day for our new Dragons! Welcome to the Dragon Family! Jennifer Edwards- Social Worker HS Erin Boggs- Teacher Resource Room HS Kimberly Brobst- Teacher 1st Syring Cynthia Broughton- Teacher Math HS Timothy Crow- Teacher Voc. Ed. HS Nathan Elder- Teacher Science/STEM HS Andrew Florkowski- Teacher Math VLC Sarah Foote- Teacher ELA MS Emily Hicks- Teacher 5th Dieck Ben Kitchen- Teacher 3rd Dieck Rhonda Lebbin- Teacher Resource Room HS Troy Lemieux- Teacher English VLC Erin Locklear- Teacher Math/Social Studies MS Doug McClure- Teacher German HS Tyler McPherson- Teacher ELA MS Madison Morrow- Teacher 1st Morrish Marian Shafer- Teacher 3rd Elms Heather Vitek- Teacher Resource Room Elms/Dieck #Good2Great
over 1 year ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
photo of new teachers
Look for email newsletters with information about student schedules, classroom assignments, and more from principals next week! #BackToSchool #Good2Great
over 1 year ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
Flyer with open house dates and times
Free Vision Screenings! #good2great
over 1 year ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
free vision screenings at the Cage Fieldhouse on July 31, August 1 and August 2 from 9-11 am and 1-3 pm for all incoming early 5 and kindergarten students
over 1 year ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
We’re Hiring flyer
STATE SCHOOL OF CHOICE! Applications for State School of Choice are accepted through August 14, 2023. Apply here: Please call (810)591-2385 with any questions. #BeADragon #Good2Great
over 1 year ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
information on flyer about school of choice
Fireball, the Dragon mascot, stopped by the For-Mar Nature Preserve and Arboretum table at the Connections to Wellness in the Creek event and met a new friend, Pinky the Gecko. 🦎+🐉 = friends
almost 2 years ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
fireball the dragon mascot